Monday, May 4, 2009

Living for something bigger than yourself

John 18:37 - Jesus is speaking to the people after Pilot asked him "So your a king, then!" Jesus says "For you say rightly that I am a King. for this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world" I love this verse, it explains to me that we were put on this earth to live for something bigger than our selves and that something is the cause of Jesus Christ. I have been having revelations about this. I am reading Brian Houston's book For This Cause and God has been reveling so many things to me, and challenging me on living at a higher standard. God has such a amazing plan and purpose for our lives and he expects us to live at such a high standard that we continue to be stretched and grown at all times. Its Amazing!! Tonight at Connect group we were all talking and expressing our God given dreams for our lives, It is so incredible to listen to these men (all around my age) who have such amazing and totally achievable dreams and goals. I am so excited to see the doors open for me in these next few years, God has given me such a desire to come back to the U.S.A and be involved with college aged kids. I want to see the U.S. won over for the cause of Christ, and I think that it is gonna start with my generation. My generation has such potential for this, I see our generation standing up for what we believe in and show people the gospel through our love and passion for people. I see the unity of churches coming together even now and I think that it is gonna just grow all the more. But it is up to us to take our generation forward and not to sit back and think Ohhh someone else will do, NO!! it is up to us, that is why God has put us here and we have such a huge silver platter in front of us, God is just waiting for people to just grab it and run with it with all they got. Lets Do It!! Well thats just some things that God has been putting on my heart latley, I love the way God speaks to me through conversations and just living my daily live with him in the center of it all. So it is May 4 and I have one week of school left and then we have two weeks off for our mid semester break then we go back to school for about two months and then we have hillsong confrence from July 7-10, I am so excited for that. We will be having Louie Gigli, Joel Osteen, Chris Tomlin and a few others. It will be amazing!! Love and Miss all of my family and friends, you guys are such a backing for me and I will always thank you for praying for me, it means so much knowing you have me backed up with prayer. THANK YOU!! Much Love from Australia