Friday, July 17, 2009

Hillsong Conference & College break

Hey Guys!! I will just get into all I have been doing, its been a busy, fulfilling and Growing period this last month. Last week I was serving in Hillsong Conference at which I was serving directly in JAM which is the youth part of Hillsong Conference and it is in a different building very close to the main arena. At Hillsong Conference there were about 25 thousand people and at JAM there were 2000 young kids between grade 7 to 12, from ages 12 to 18. I served by doing Excellence which is a fancy name for "the Cleaning Team" HAHA it was amazing though because the Sports Arena where JAM was, they did most of the cleaning, all we had to do was pick up all of the big trash left after the Rally's. It was cool because we got to serve as well in helping move stuff around, Venue control, and anything else we were needed to do. Overall Hillsong Conference was amazing, I know that it changed my heart for the lost, stretched my capacity for more leadership and most importantly grew my relationship with the Lord. Every person who was at JAM and Conference got something amazing out of it. Through this past month God has been really speaking to me through - 1 Corinthians 13:11 - When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. My desire is to continue to tear down things in my life that are holding me back from what God wants to teach me, Its deep but it is the truth and it will only help my realtionship with the Lord and make me a better man out of it.
So after conference I went out to a friends beach house in Mollymook which is about 3.5 hours south of Sydney, it was so refreshing walking on the beach with amazing friends and looking back on the past semester on how much I have grown and learned about myself. God continues to bring amazing friends into my life who will help me on my journey in life. Real friends tell you the truth even though it might hurt at the time. I have found more real friends in 6 months than I have in most of my life, but yes its alot eaiser here cause we all have simular mindsets and goels. I am so stoked on what God is planning for me for the next year and a half and beyond!! He is such an amazing and powerful God!! Please be in prayer for the new college students just ariving, Hillsong Church and leadership, and Me as well for God to continue His amazing work in my life!!
Much love, David