Monday, September 21, 2009

God opportunities!!

Hey guys - I titled my blog this month "God opportunities" because God has been using me and blessing me in His bigger picture alot in this semester. First of all I think I said before that someone gave me a car which is such an amazing gift. I got a job at an Italian Restaurant called "Jags Ristorante" as a waiter, its a 5min walk from my house, working with some other Hillsong College students, pretty nice and easy going bosses and best of all I get discounted Italian food!! Recently as well I got asked if I could speak in one of our chapels on a Monday, I spoke to around 200 college students on the topic of "laying it down" talking about when you come to college you should lay down what you did before and let God bring it back so He can use it more effectively. My three points were 1."laying it down" brings you back to the basics 2."laying it down" opens you up for God to do work 3."laying it down" is a daily sacrifice. I talked about Genesis 22 where God tested Abraham with his son Isaac. I love the way God uses us to speak His word and let us be vessels to his greater plan and purpose. I as well got asked to write a little snipit on Powerhouse for the year book, here is what I wrote: "POWERHOUSE……. Well I can safely say that when you let God direct you to a ministry instead of just randomly picking one, He blesses you, challenges you, places you and molds you more that ever. God led me to Powerhouse. In Powerhouse I have been given the opportunity of being the creative oversight, what that entails is mainly on a Wednesday night making sure that Powerhouse gives amazing atmosphere to all people who attend. Starting with when you walk up from the main steps of the hub and all the way into the auditorium. My experience this year doing what I have has probably been the most challenging thing I have ever had to do in ministry. Because of the fact that creative is not my strongest point. But that’s why I am serving in that area. On a usual Wednesday night we attend a leaders meeting at 7:00pm where Thomas Hansen fires us up for the night. I always walk out of those leaders meetings with the feeling like I felt right before a big game in my high school football days, where the coach pumps, psyches, and stirs the excitement! Of course the service is incredible as well, Thomas has one heck of calling for communication on his life. He is constantly coming up with new and fresh ideas for messages, series, and ideas on how we can make Powerhouse better. But during the message there is a number of things going on: First you always hear the front yelling YEA WOW!!, YEA GOOD THOMAS!!, COME ON!!, YEA BRO!! SO GOOD!! etc… now just writing them is one thing but if I was preaching I would feel like THE MAN!! And usually during the service there is always a YEA LOVE IT!! Shouted out by the one and only Matty White." Well thats about it, Please be in prayer for the kids that were at a huge youth event called "big exo day" that what they learned and experienced there would effect them with there walk with the Lord for ever, also for "Healthy Homes Seminar" which is on this week, and for all of the college students that God will continue to stretch us and mold us into the Men and Woman He desires for us. Thanks for all you do with your prayers and support. P.S. I am coming home to MT for the month of December so I would love to see everyone I can, I miss not only MT but everyone that is there. See ya soon,
MUCH LOVE!! David Ambrose, Sydney Australia