Sunday, December 13, 2009

Australia to Indiana

Hey guys, been awhile since my last blog..... So here it is. After a Year a Hillsong International Leadership College in Sydney Australia, I have decided to move to Valparaiso, IN to help out with what my cousin Aaron Chud is doing who is the youth pastor at a church there. Its been a hard decision because I have loved every minute of what I was involved in at Hillsong Church, but felt God leading me toward something different. The church in IN has a bible college as well that I will be attending in the fall of 2010. Right now I am at home in MT for Christmas with the family, I will be leaving for IN at the end of the month, Its been amazing so far being home and seeing old friends, seeing Fresh Life church and all of the amazing things they are doing. The past few days it has been snowing none stop, which makes the mountain amazing for snowboarding. This week I am sure I will get up there to play in the fresh powder!! God has really been guiding me through this amazing time and I am so excited for this new season of life, this is only the beginning of amazing things that God has in store for me. And as Pastor Brian Houston says "The Best is Yet to Come" You can be in prayer for me as I transition to Indiana, and for the Church that I will be involved with there. Thank you all for your prayers and support as I continue on this amazing walk in life.

With love

This is the Snowy view from the front porch of my Aunt and Uncles place! Beautiful MT