Monday, December 29, 2008

The City by the Bay

On Friday the 26th Mom and I took a trip to San Francisco, it was a very fun adventure. This trip with Mom will probably be one of the last times I will spend some one on one time with Her for a while. We had alot of fun together with finding our way there with Ruby our GPS, staying on Fishermans Warf, Ghirardelli Square, Golden Gate Bridge, The Crooked Street, visiting a amazing Cathlotic Church at which I got to sit in on a little of there service which was interesting, down town San Francisco during Christmas holidays, China town, riding the cable cars. Over all my favorite part was when Mom and I went to go find a swing dancing place and to get there we had to ride the bus, subway then catch a cab and do alot of walking. We spent alot of time talking, laughing, and taking in all of the fun nightlife. Mom was worried that we were gonna get lost or mugged. HAHA!! We also spent a night in Little Italy. We had alot of fun there too. We ate at a very amazing Italian resturant and our waitress spoke very little english but she had a very awesome accent. Tomorow morning at 7:00am I will be heading to Australia. I thank God for the time allowed to spend with my Mom.

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