Sunday, December 13, 2009

Australia to Indiana

Hey guys, been awhile since my last blog..... So here it is. After a Year a Hillsong International Leadership College in Sydney Australia, I have decided to move to Valparaiso, IN to help out with what my cousin Aaron Chud is doing who is the youth pastor at a church there. Its been a hard decision because I have loved every minute of what I was involved in at Hillsong Church, but felt God leading me toward something different. The church in IN has a bible college as well that I will be attending in the fall of 2010. Right now I am at home in MT for Christmas with the family, I will be leaving for IN at the end of the month, Its been amazing so far being home and seeing old friends, seeing Fresh Life church and all of the amazing things they are doing. The past few days it has been snowing none stop, which makes the mountain amazing for snowboarding. This week I am sure I will get up there to play in the fresh powder!! God has really been guiding me through this amazing time and I am so excited for this new season of life, this is only the beginning of amazing things that God has in store for me. And as Pastor Brian Houston says "The Best is Yet to Come" You can be in prayer for me as I transition to Indiana, and for the Church that I will be involved with there. Thank you all for your prayers and support as I continue on this amazing walk in life.

With love

This is the Snowy view from the front porch of my Aunt and Uncles place! Beautiful MT

Monday, September 21, 2009

God opportunities!!

Hey guys - I titled my blog this month "God opportunities" because God has been using me and blessing me in His bigger picture alot in this semester. First of all I think I said before that someone gave me a car which is such an amazing gift. I got a job at an Italian Restaurant called "Jags Ristorante" as a waiter, its a 5min walk from my house, working with some other Hillsong College students, pretty nice and easy going bosses and best of all I get discounted Italian food!! Recently as well I got asked if I could speak in one of our chapels on a Monday, I spoke to around 200 college students on the topic of "laying it down" talking about when you come to college you should lay down what you did before and let God bring it back so He can use it more effectively. My three points were 1."laying it down" brings you back to the basics 2."laying it down" opens you up for God to do work 3."laying it down" is a daily sacrifice. I talked about Genesis 22 where God tested Abraham with his son Isaac. I love the way God uses us to speak His word and let us be vessels to his greater plan and purpose. I as well got asked to write a little snipit on Powerhouse for the year book, here is what I wrote: "POWERHOUSE……. Well I can safely say that when you let God direct you to a ministry instead of just randomly picking one, He blesses you, challenges you, places you and molds you more that ever. God led me to Powerhouse. In Powerhouse I have been given the opportunity of being the creative oversight, what that entails is mainly on a Wednesday night making sure that Powerhouse gives amazing atmosphere to all people who attend. Starting with when you walk up from the main steps of the hub and all the way into the auditorium. My experience this year doing what I have has probably been the most challenging thing I have ever had to do in ministry. Because of the fact that creative is not my strongest point. But that’s why I am serving in that area. On a usual Wednesday night we attend a leaders meeting at 7:00pm where Thomas Hansen fires us up for the night. I always walk out of those leaders meetings with the feeling like I felt right before a big game in my high school football days, where the coach pumps, psyches, and stirs the excitement! Of course the service is incredible as well, Thomas has one heck of calling for communication on his life. He is constantly coming up with new and fresh ideas for messages, series, and ideas on how we can make Powerhouse better. But during the message there is a number of things going on: First you always hear the front yelling YEA WOW!!, YEA GOOD THOMAS!!, COME ON!!, YEA BRO!! SO GOOD!! etc… now just writing them is one thing but if I was preaching I would feel like THE MAN!! And usually during the service there is always a YEA LOVE IT!! Shouted out by the one and only Matty White." Well thats about it, Please be in prayer for the kids that were at a huge youth event called "big exo day" that what they learned and experienced there would effect them with there walk with the Lord for ever, also for "Healthy Homes Seminar" which is on this week, and for all of the college students that God will continue to stretch us and mold us into the Men and Woman He desires for us. Thanks for all you do with your prayers and support. P.S. I am coming home to MT for the month of December so I would love to see everyone I can, I miss not only MT but everyone that is there. See ya soon,
MUCH LOVE!! David Ambrose, Sydney Australia

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hillsong College Semester 2

This beginning of semester 2 has been so amazing!! I have all new classes including: Christian Doctrine, Church History, New Testament, Personal Evangelism, Spirit filled living, and teamwork. These classes have been amazing so far!! I have made some more great friends from Texas, Norway, California, Sweden etc... The people God continues to put in my live always amazes me. He sure does know what you need and when you need it. I have also been given a car by a friend who went back to Sweden, he just felt like God told him to give it away. I am gonna share the car with 2 of my other friends because I wont need it all that much because I usually walk to school since I only live a 5 min walk from Church/College.
The weather here has been changing and getting warmer, today it was probably around 70 degrees. Not very cold for WINTER haha

This is what an Australian winter looks like
Anyway I am pretty exited about Powerhouse this semester as well because there are more people helping on the Creative Team, so we will have more man power to drive the Creative side of Powerhouse farther!! Powerhouse the past 3 weeks has really changed, there has been a huge move of God through not just Powerhouse but the Church. God is changing people lives, showing them new revelations, and lighting up the house with His Holy Spirit. Its been amazing to be apart of this amazing church and all that is going on.

Here is a pic of Jason from Tennessee, Me from Montana and Leo from Ukraine/ North Carolina
We were heading to Molymook for our mid semester break!!

Well please be in prayer for: Hillsong Church, all the new college students, and me that God will continue to show me new revelations. Thanks all for you amazing support and prayer.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hillsong Conference & College break

Hey Guys!! I will just get into all I have been doing, its been a busy, fulfilling and Growing period this last month. Last week I was serving in Hillsong Conference at which I was serving directly in JAM which is the youth part of Hillsong Conference and it is in a different building very close to the main arena. At Hillsong Conference there were about 25 thousand people and at JAM there were 2000 young kids between grade 7 to 12, from ages 12 to 18. I served by doing Excellence which is a fancy name for "the Cleaning Team" HAHA it was amazing though because the Sports Arena where JAM was, they did most of the cleaning, all we had to do was pick up all of the big trash left after the Rally's. It was cool because we got to serve as well in helping move stuff around, Venue control, and anything else we were needed to do. Overall Hillsong Conference was amazing, I know that it changed my heart for the lost, stretched my capacity for more leadership and most importantly grew my relationship with the Lord. Every person who was at JAM and Conference got something amazing out of it. Through this past month God has been really speaking to me through - 1 Corinthians 13:11 - When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. My desire is to continue to tear down things in my life that are holding me back from what God wants to teach me, Its deep but it is the truth and it will only help my realtionship with the Lord and make me a better man out of it.
So after conference I went out to a friends beach house in Mollymook which is about 3.5 hours south of Sydney, it was so refreshing walking on the beach with amazing friends and looking back on the past semester on how much I have grown and learned about myself. God continues to bring amazing friends into my life who will help me on my journey in life. Real friends tell you the truth even though it might hurt at the time. I have found more real friends in 6 months than I have in most of my life, but yes its alot eaiser here cause we all have simular mindsets and goels. I am so stoked on what God is planning for me for the next year and a half and beyond!! He is such an amazing and powerful God!! Please be in prayer for the new college students just ariving, Hillsong Church and leadership, and Me as well for God to continue His amazing work in my life!!
Much love, David

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Ending of Semester 1

So since I last wrote I have been super busy with: Leading a creative team for the Powerhouse foyer set up and design, Powerhouse lounge after Sunday night service, College assessments etc... But all in all I am loving and enjoying it. To start out you all need to buy Hillsong's new album that just came out called (A_CROSS // The_EARTH: Tear Down the Walls) it was the 2 most bought album on itunes right behind the new eminem album. This album is one of the best (I think) Hillsong has ever put out. So as reciently God has shown me some job oppurtunites that have come up. The main one that I am hoping to get is a window washing job which pays really well and if I get the job the guy whoes place I am filling is gonna give me his car. What a blessing!! Latley I have had a lot of huge assessments due so the last 2 weeks I have been trying to get them all done at which I did get them all done. I have 2 more weeks of college left then 2 weeks of Conference training, after that we have a week of Hillsong Conference which is gonna be off the hook!! There will be anywhere between 20 and 35 thousand people there. Hillsong Conference has been sold out now for 3 months so that would tell me that its kinda popular. I am so excited for the next semester because I am ready to get to different classes, the classes this semester were good but I am just ready for different ones, I am as well excited to see new college students and not be the newbies. God has been really speaking into me alot these past few weeks and I am getting some amazing convictions about life. I am reading my Bible heaps and loving it, I so enjoy Gods word, it has such power just reading a Psalm. I am going through the gospels right now and I love the story of Jesus and all of the amazing miracles he did, as well I love the intimate lessons he taught his disciples. I definitly feel like one of the disciples because I am learning so much, haveing new revelations every week, and experiencing more of Gods heart for his people. A little snipit of one of Hillsong Uniteds new songs (tear down the walls) says: "This life is yours and hope is rising as your glory floods our hearts, let love tear down these walls as all creation will come back to you, its all for you. Your name is glorious, glorious. Your love is changing us calling us, to worship in spirit and in truth, as all creation returns to you." I love this part because it is what God intends for all of us to do. To tear down the walls of hate, unjustice, poverity etc.... with LOVE!! I promise if you buy this album you will not regret it. Let me know if you buy it and what you think of it? Much love from the land down under!! David

Monday, May 4, 2009

Living for something bigger than yourself

John 18:37 - Jesus is speaking to the people after Pilot asked him "So your a king, then!" Jesus says "For you say rightly that I am a King. for this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world" I love this verse, it explains to me that we were put on this earth to live for something bigger than our selves and that something is the cause of Jesus Christ. I have been having revelations about this. I am reading Brian Houston's book For This Cause and God has been reveling so many things to me, and challenging me on living at a higher standard. God has such a amazing plan and purpose for our lives and he expects us to live at such a high standard that we continue to be stretched and grown at all times. Its Amazing!! Tonight at Connect group we were all talking and expressing our God given dreams for our lives, It is so incredible to listen to these men (all around my age) who have such amazing and totally achievable dreams and goals. I am so excited to see the doors open for me in these next few years, God has given me such a desire to come back to the U.S.A and be involved with college aged kids. I want to see the U.S. won over for the cause of Christ, and I think that it is gonna start with my generation. My generation has such potential for this, I see our generation standing up for what we believe in and show people the gospel through our love and passion for people. I see the unity of churches coming together even now and I think that it is gonna just grow all the more. But it is up to us to take our generation forward and not to sit back and think Ohhh someone else will do, NO!! it is up to us, that is why God has put us here and we have such a huge silver platter in front of us, God is just waiting for people to just grab it and run with it with all they got. Lets Do It!! Well thats just some things that God has been putting on my heart latley, I love the way God speaks to me through conversations and just living my daily live with him in the center of it all. So it is May 4 and I have one week of school left and then we have two weeks off for our mid semester break then we go back to school for about two months and then we have hillsong confrence from July 7-10, I am so excited for that. We will be having Louie Gigli, Joel Osteen, Chris Tomlin and a few others. It will be amazing!! Love and Miss all of my family and friends, you guys are such a backing for me and I will always thank you for praying for me, it means so much knowing you have me backed up with prayer. THANK YOU!! Much Love from Australia

Monday, April 6, 2009

School and Colour confrence

Hey Everyone!! OK where do I start.....? I guess I will start off where I left off before. I am now fully engulfed in college and more so in Hillsong Church (My home church now!!) I am still serving Powerhouse heavily in the areas of Foyer set up, Tear down and just doing anything I can. We are doing some amazing things on Maquari University campus like: The mid week powerhouse service on Wednesdays at which is amazing and we are already running out of room (which is a good thing). Our Red frog stuff will be starting soon as I explained in my last email, I am so excited to do that stuff because it is real hands on evangelism which is amazing, stretching and is so incredible to see God work through us. The past two week I have been serving at Colour Conference which is a International woman's Conference. We had two conferences one the first week and one the second week, 20 thousand woman combined between the two weeks. I served in selling Brian and Bobby Houston's resources, I loved it!! I got so familiar with all of there material and now I want to buy a lot of there stuff, there books, Cd's, DVDs and etc... are so helpful and uplifting, my pastors are so gifted in communication. Colour conference was in the middle of Sydney so I got to spend some time looking around the area we were at. Some places surrounding the conference were: China Town, a 3 story Apple store!! I love Apple products, Starbucks (a little taste of home) and other little cool places. Colour Conference left so many woman with the desire to change there world and determination to raise the standard of woman in the world today. So Amazing to see!! If any of you husbands out there want to send your wife's to Colour Conference next year let me know and I will make sure to point you to the right direction to get tickets, accommodation etc.... I spent Saturday night in the city at a swing dancing place with a few friends, it was sooooooo amazing and fun. It made me miss some of my friends back home that I used to dance with. (Pete, Joe, Catlin, John, Ange etc.. - I love and miss you guys you guys would love the dancing here) Some things to be praying for are: Hillsong Church to give the leaders good vision and wisdom, all of the college students that they will be filled, taught and encouraged while they are here, and the knowledge that we are all here for a purpose higher that ourselves. Two of my friends from Norway went home on Sunday which was sad but pray that they made the right choice by leaving and that God will direct there paths. As well please be in prayer for me for God to mold and change me. Some things that God has been challenging me right now are areas in my character and persistence to stay connected to Him through His daily word, And I am still trying to find a job. Always thank you all for your continual prayer and support, You truly bless my heart knowing you have my back in prayer at all times. Thanks!! If you want to e-mail me my e-mail is
P.S here are some pictures of class mates, City adventure and Colour Conference