Monday, April 6, 2009

School and Colour confrence

Hey Everyone!! OK where do I start.....? I guess I will start off where I left off before. I am now fully engulfed in college and more so in Hillsong Church (My home church now!!) I am still serving Powerhouse heavily in the areas of Foyer set up, Tear down and just doing anything I can. We are doing some amazing things on Maquari University campus like: The mid week powerhouse service on Wednesdays at which is amazing and we are already running out of room (which is a good thing). Our Red frog stuff will be starting soon as I explained in my last email, I am so excited to do that stuff because it is real hands on evangelism which is amazing, stretching and is so incredible to see God work through us. The past two week I have been serving at Colour Conference which is a International woman's Conference. We had two conferences one the first week and one the second week, 20 thousand woman combined between the two weeks. I served in selling Brian and Bobby Houston's resources, I loved it!! I got so familiar with all of there material and now I want to buy a lot of there stuff, there books, Cd's, DVDs and etc... are so helpful and uplifting, my pastors are so gifted in communication. Colour conference was in the middle of Sydney so I got to spend some time looking around the area we were at. Some places surrounding the conference were: China Town, a 3 story Apple store!! I love Apple products, Starbucks (a little taste of home) and other little cool places. Colour Conference left so many woman with the desire to change there world and determination to raise the standard of woman in the world today. So Amazing to see!! If any of you husbands out there want to send your wife's to Colour Conference next year let me know and I will make sure to point you to the right direction to get tickets, accommodation etc.... I spent Saturday night in the city at a swing dancing place with a few friends, it was sooooooo amazing and fun. It made me miss some of my friends back home that I used to dance with. (Pete, Joe, Catlin, John, Ange etc.. - I love and miss you guys you guys would love the dancing here) Some things to be praying for are: Hillsong Church to give the leaders good vision and wisdom, all of the college students that they will be filled, taught and encouraged while they are here, and the knowledge that we are all here for a purpose higher that ourselves. Two of my friends from Norway went home on Sunday which was sad but pray that they made the right choice by leaving and that God will direct there paths. As well please be in prayer for me for God to mold and change me. Some things that God has been challenging me right now are areas in my character and persistence to stay connected to Him through His daily word, And I am still trying to find a job. Always thank you all for your continual prayer and support, You truly bless my heart knowing you have my back in prayer at all times. Thanks!! If you want to e-mail me my e-mail is
P.S here are some pictures of class mates, City adventure and Colour Conference

1 comment:

Garren said...

Wow, looks like crazy fun! It is so good to hear about what God is doing with your life! Let me grade school you probably didn't think you would be in Austalia at a women's conference did you?
Great job serving bro.